Control mechanism of end-slope deformation in open pit mine …

The pressure slope toe support of the inner dump bench can reduce the deformation of the end-slope after steep end-slope mining, and the bench parameters are vital for the stability of the end-slope. This research proposes a discrete–continuous coupling calculation method and establishes the gradation curves of laboratory tests and …

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Potential risk, leaching behavior and mechanism of heavy …

To elucidate the release behavior and mechanism of heavy metals from mine tailings under the intermittent flow conditions, the semi-dynamic leaching tests were performed using a series of columns (USEPA, 2017; Yin et al., 2019; Yin et al., 2021). In the study, each cylindrical column was filled with 140 g dried crushed tailing samples (MT-4 ...

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Sand mining: Stopping the grind of unregulated supply chains

1. Introduction. Sand is the most used solid resource on earth, including to construct buildings and roads but also for glass, natural gas fracking, silicon chips, and even cosmetics (Beiser, 2018).As the mass of anthropogenic material is expected to surpass that of the natural biomass, this study primarily focuses on sand used in …

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Revealing the mechanism of quartz sand seeding in …

Fig. 1 (A) shows the effects of quartz sand dosage on P recovery efficiency with a pH of 7.8 and a Fe/P molar ratio of 1.74. This pH and Fe/P ratio value was chosen based on our previous batch studies (Cao et al., 2023), which showed that P recovery was optimal at this condition.As illustrated in Fig. 1 (A), the use of quartz sand contributed to …

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Study on MICP dust suppression technology in open pit coal mine …

With the recent increases in energy demands, the dust hazards of coal mining caused by transportation, loading and unloading and other processes are becoming increasingly serious. To control dust in open pit coal mines more environmentally friendly and efficiently, and to promote the use and development of non-in situ high-yield urease …

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Compaction Mechanism of Aeolian Sand | Semantic Scholar

By means of contrast experiment that contrasted weighty tamping and vibration compaction,the compaction mechanism of the aeolian sand was analyzed to solve the problem that aeolian sand was difficult to impact when it was used as roadbed material.As a result,the reason of having two peak value in the aeolian sand tamping curve is that …

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Preparation, properties characterization and structure formation

1. Introduction. In recent years, considerable efforts have been devoted to developing waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies that can reduce the volume of waste and mitigate its negative effects on the environment [1].The main treatment methods for industrial solid waste are as follows: metal extraction, filling mining area, production of …

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The mechanism of hydrating and solidifying green mine …

Building upon preliminary research, a binder mix proportion was established: 20 wt% MSWI FA, 70 wt% BFS, and 10 wt% FGD gypsum. Test blocks were fabricated using lead-zinc tailings sand and iron mine tailings as aggregates.

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What is mechanism sand?

Mechanism sand, also known as artificial sand or crushed sand, refers to the sand that is produced by crushing rocks, stones, or other materials. It is a type of sand that is created artificially ...

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Introduction to Sand Mining Activity

1.1 Background to Sand Mining. Sand mining is probably the largest mining activity and the most profitable extractive economic activity in the world as have been shown by 'tales …

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Mining Machinery

Uranium mining (open cut and underground) and milling. Peter H. Woods, in Uranium for Nuclear Power, 2016 6.2.3 Trends and alternatives. Advancements in mining machinery …

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Sustainable sand mining

10 million cubic meters a year – stems from illegal coastal sand mining. Sand is often removed from beaches to build hotels, roads and other tourism-related infrastructure. In some locations, continued construction is likely to lead to an unsustainable situation and destruction of the main natural attraction for visitors — namely the beaches.

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The general standard of mechanism sand

Mechanism sand definition: Mechanism sand refers to rock, mine tailings or industrial waste granules with a particle size of less than 4.75mm, which is made by mechanical …

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Project Overview | Sand Table Build

The Sandsara table by Ed Cano uses a SCARA mechanism. My build uses an XY Plotter, primarily because I have very limited machining resources. In fact I was able to build mine with only a few cuts through extruded aluminum beams. Within the XY plotter family there are some options for drive configurations.

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Sand Extraction: 1. Introduction

The mining of aggregates in rivers can have an effect on pollution and change the level of water acidity(pH). Removing sediment from rivers causes the river to … See more

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Driven to Extraction: Can Sand Mining be Sustainable?

Light mode. 30 May 2019 / 19 min read. Driven to Extraction: Can Sand Mining be Sustainable? Sand is a critical ingredient for many of the materials that we take for …

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Experiment on hydration exothermic characteristics and hydration

Cemented paste backfill technology can effectively control overburden movement, protect surface buildings and ecological environment. In this study, the early hydration exothermal characteristics, compressive strength evolution and hydration mechanism of sand-based cemented paste backfill materials (SCPB) were studied by …

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Preparation of new copper smelting slag-based mine backfill …

The CSS came from a mine; its original morphology was a lump of particle size 5∼15 mm, as shown in Fig. 1.After crushing and grinding it to below 75 μm, the chemical composition in the smelting slag was analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscope experiment (XRF), as shown in Table 1, the basic physical properties as …

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How abandoned mines can become clean energy storage …

Turning abandoned mines into energy storage is one example of many solutions that exist around us, and we only need to change the way we deploy them," study co-author Behnam Zakeri said. A novel ...

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A policy approach for sustainable governance of …

A robust mechanism should be in place to monitor sand mining operations. Monitoring includes surveys, river cross sections, longitudinal profiles, geomorphic maps, …

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Need help building a sand launcher

I'm building a Rube Goldberg machine, and wanted to have a sand launcher/cannon thing that launched sand into another cannon and launched sand into another cannon and hit a wall.... blah blah blah. The sand cannons I've built so far are futile and are not very accurate. The range can be short ( about... 20-40 blocks) but it must …

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The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …

Sand is considered one of the most consumed natural resource, being essential to many industries, including building construction, electronics, plastics, and water filtration. This paper assesses the environmental impact of sand extraction and the problems associated with its illegal exploitation. The analysis indicates that extracting …

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Numerical Study on the Vibratory Compaction Mechanism of the Sand

Coal mine backfilling can effectively prevent large-scale movement of rock formations, not only improving the overall production capacity of the mine but also protecting the surface from destruction and maintaining the original ecological environment. Backfilling extent and backfills compactness are two factors determining the supporting …

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An Analog Model Study on Water–Sand Mixture Inrush Mechanisms …

Water–sand mixture inrushes into shallow underground workings have caused casualties and property loss. A coupled fluid–solid analog model was developed to simulate the water–sand mixture inrush processes during mining from fracture production and development, based on the hydrogeological conditions at the #22304 working face …

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Risk pre-control mechanism of mines based on evidence …

The mine safety risk pre-control mechanism based on EBS and SBD condenses and sublimates mine risk prevention and control methods. Combining the generation of SBD, the basic theories of EBS management and the PSM risk analysis process, the operational path of the mechanism (as shown in Fig. 5 ) includes the …

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Formation and development mechanism of ground crack …

Ground cracks caused by coal mining is a typical man-made geological hazard which severely damages the ecological environment and ground structures (such as buildings, pipelines and bridges, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to study ground crack development law in order to fully understand the mechanism of ground crack formation and to prevent …

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Experimental study into erosion damage mechanism of

Based on the knowledge that concrete structures in the mid-west of Inner Mongolia are subject to erosion caused by the wind and sand environment over a long period of time, sediment-air injection method was used for an experimental study into erosion on concrete in the wind-blown sand environment, and then involving analysis of …

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A brief review paper on mining subsidence and its geo …

The impact of the mining subsidence has an environmental impact which leads to catastrophic events by destroying properties and even loss of life. The environmental impact is linked with the safety of public health, social relationship, and water and air quality. A.2. Chatterjee et al.

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Quantitative Evaluation Method and Response Mechanism …

The sustainability of shallow groundwater systems, pivotal to maintaining ecosystem equilibrium and facilitating the sustainable development of mine sites, is the core of various dynamic indicators in response to mining activity and mining area planning. This study quantitatively evaluates the impact of mining activities on shallow groundwater …

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Treatment of mine water high in Fe and Mn by modified manganese sand

The fastest filter was the col- umn filled with 5% KMnO 4 modified manganese sand. After four hours of filtration through the sand ion removal was still high. The concentration of Mn 2+ in the effluent after passing through plain sand was 0.77 mg/L. This does not meet the reusable water standard of 0.2 mg/L Mn 2+ .

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Evolutionary patterns and microscopic mechanisms of strength in mine

Due to the intricate composition of the glass sand utilized, in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its mechanism for mine tailings backfilling, it is imperative to ascertain the ...

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Research on blasting mechanism and blasting effect of …

This paper investigates the mechanism of the effect of aqueous media on the dust generated by blasting and the blasting effect, simulates a charge structure with good dust reduction and blasting ...

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The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the …

By far the largest mining endeavor globally is digging up sand, mainly for the concrete that goes into buildings. But this little-noticed and largely unregulated activity …

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Sand mining: Stopping the grind of unregulated …

Sand mining on land is sourced from riverine deposits, soil deposits, and terrestrial sand dunes (Koehnken and Rintoul, 2018). Another method of 'mining' …

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Modification and mechanism of polymer in high

The reasonable use of local aeolian sand to prepare concrete can fill the aforementioned shortage in resources, thereby making a critical impact on economic and social development. Aeolian sand has been widely used in the construction of infrastructure projects in desert areas such as highway and hydraulic engineering as a new building …

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Low-cost and environment-friendly ceramic s made …

Ceramic s were prepared by powder technology using lead–zinc mine tailings, red mud and silica sand as the major component, Na 2 B 4 O 7 as the flux agent. The influence of the sintering temperature on the phase evolution, pore morphology, bulk density, water absorption, porosity, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties and …

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Driven to Extraction: Can Sand Mining be Sustainable?

Sand is a critical ingredient for many of the materials that we take for granted: concrete, glass and asphalt. Sand and coarse aggregates form the backbone of the modern world and also, through land reclamation, the ground on which we live. A growing global population increasingly living in cities has led to a spiralling rise in the …

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Experimental study into erosion damage mechanism of

The sand used in the experiment was from Hobq Desert located at the Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia. Hobq Desert is one of the main sand sources of sand and dust weather in the northern region, and the sand particles are appropriate for testing and providing engineering background. The abrasive particle size distribution is shown in Fig. …

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Permeability enhancement mechanism of sand‐carrying …

Based on the above analysis of permeability enhancement between the shallow and deep mining depth in Section 3 and mechanism analysis of HF sand-carrying and for the purpose of coal and gas outburst issue triggered by rock cross-cut coal uncovering, filed application of permeability enhancement using HF sand-carrying was …

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