Report raises questions around growing mining exploration …

A new report by the U.S. branch of the Environmental Investigation Agency says that investment interest and government tax incentives are fuelling intense mining exploration in remote northern B.C ...

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India's deep seabed mining plans gear up for a dive

It says the environmental impact assessments, effective regulation and mitigation strategies are needed to limit the impacts of deep-sea mining. On June 29, Jessica Battle, who is the leader of the World Wildlife Fund's No Deep Seabed Mining Initiative, in a statement, said that "WWF urges ISA member states to show ocean …

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local …

The effects of mining for the clean energy transition Global climate change is understood to be the most pressing environmental issue facing humanity today. Mitigating climate change requires reducing carbon emissions by transitioning away from …

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Connecting the mining sector to the green economy …

By embracing this engagement, mining companies can understand the stakes more clearly. They can ensure such engagement takes place by requiring public consultation …

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Understanding mining stakeholders | Borealis

Stakeholder engagement in the mining sector typically involves the following steps: Stakeholder identification: Identify groups and individuals likely to have an interest in or be affected by the project. Stakeholder analysis: Assess their needs, expectations, concerns, interests and degree of influence.

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Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in …

History of Mining in Ghana. There is evidence of gold extraction activities in Ghana as far back as the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., as gold deposits attracted Arab traders into the country.7 These activities were strategically located along rivers where sediments believed to contain deposits of gold were washed constantly to separate the gold …

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Stakeholder Groups Extractives Companies Should Engage …

In the mining sector, stakeholder engagement is particularly relevant given the close proximity to and impact on local communities through the use of resources such as water, energy, and land. While every company's specific stakeholders depend on its operating circumstances, extractives companies should consider these stakeholder …

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The environmental impact of bitcoin mining explained

But the tech's environmental impact goes far beyond U.S. borders. Bitcoin's global electricity consumption of 173.42 TWh from 2020 to 2021 exceeds that of some countries, according to a study published by the journal Earth's Future. For example, that amount of power exceeds the combined electricity consumption of Argentina and the …

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Conflict management in the extractive industries: A …

1. Introduction. The relationship between large-scale mining and development is contentious, especially considering that the benefits usually only go to a few people, with adverse social, environmental and economic impacts for the many (Silva, 2016; Ogwang et al., 2018; Melin, 2021).Although the consequences of mobilisation and …

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Connecting the mining sector to the green economy | Mining …

By embracing this engagement, mining companies can understand the stakes more clearly. They can ensure such engagement takes place by requiring public consultation as part of any environmental impact assessment (EIA) or strategic environmental assessment (SEA). Governments must go beyond ensuring stakeholder consultations …

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

Given the current magnitude of the biodiversity crisis, and the diverse impact humans have on the planet (figure 3), mining must be placed thoughtfully within a wider environmental context. The impacts of mining on biodiversity will obviously differ if it takes place in a very degraded landscape versus wilderness area and the conservation ...

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Sustainable mining, local communities and environmental regulation

Abstract. Sustainable mining is an objective as well as a tool for balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations. Each of these three dimensions of mining – and sustainable ...

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Factors impacting stakeholder engagement in mining

Forces driving stakeholder engagement in the mining sector. 1/ Government and financial regulations. Regulations from both government and financial institutions have increased as they respond to stakeholder concerns for social and environmental causes. It is in the best interest of resource companies to prepare by engaging stakeholders early ...

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The risks and opportunities facing the mining sector in 2023

According to Ernst & Young (EY), environmental, social and governance (ESG) remains the greatest business risk/opportunity facing the global mining and metals sector in 2023. EY releases a report ...

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Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability in …

The mining industry is one of the greatest polluters of the environment and has direct positive and negative impacts on all three pillars of sustainable development: …

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Should mining companies adopt this method to protect …

The metals and mining sector is central to the climate, nature and energy nexus. Mining companies can better understand and manage their environmental footprint by measuring the extent, condition and value of their natural assets over time using natural capital accounts (NCA). NCA do not put a price on nature so that it can be bought …

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Should mining companies adopt this method to …

The metals and mining sector is central to the climate, nature and energy nexus. Mining companies can better understand and manage their environmental …

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Japan to Start Controversial Deep Sea Mining …

Deep Sea Mining Causes Years of Damage. Japan first began testing deep sea mining in 2017, and its effects were studied for up to three years. The study, published in ads, concluded that damage ...

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Fostering community-company engagement to address …

to address environmental impacts of mining 1 September 27, 2021 Fostering community-company engagement to address …

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Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability in …

goals and the impact of mining companies on the environment can be obtained from the sustainability reports that mining companies publish [29]. In addition …

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7 Ways To Lessen The Environmental Impacts Of Mining

Here are some of the negative impacts of mining: Destroys agriculture. Damages ecosystems. Produces an abundance of rock wastes and sediments. Pollutes the air. Affects the quality of water. Loss of biodiversity. Noise pollution. Ways To Mitigate The Negative Impacts Of Mining.

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Mitigating the impacts resource extraction has on the planet is a responsibility the mining industry takes very seriously and is a key component of maintaining our privilege to operate. The Canadian mining industry practices the highest environmental standards with a deep commitment to sustainable development and production. It is one of the reasons why …

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"We Know Our Lives are in Danger": Environment of Fear in …

The 73-page report "'We Know Our Lives Are in Danger': Environment of Fear in South Africa's Mining-affected Communities" and video cites activists' reports of intimidation, violence ...

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How digital innovation can improve mining productivity

Our analysis shows that global mining productivity has declined 3.5 percent a year over the past decade (Exhibit 1). This trend is evident across commodities, geographies, and most mining companies. 1. While there is debate about the cause of the decline, there is universal agreement that this performance is untenable.

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Mining of sulfur from a deposit at the edge of Ijen's crater lake, Indonesia.. Mining is the extraction of valuable geological materials and minerals from the surface of the Earth.Mining is required to obtain most materials that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or feasibly created artificially in a laboratory or factory. Ores recovered by …

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(PDF) Impact of board characteristics on environmental

Using multiple regression analysis with a sample of 34 listed mining companies from both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges covering 2000–2018 period, we find a significant positive ...

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Environmental Strategies in the Mining Industry: One …

common are environmental permits and environmental impact assessments. Mining companies typically are required to obtain environmental permits signifying …

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What Is The Environmental Impact Of The Mining Industry?

Mining is the extraction of minerals and other geological materials of economic value from deposits on the Earth. Mining adversely affects the environment by inducing loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and contamination of surface water, groundwater, and soil. Mining can also trigger the formation of sinkholes.

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Environmental Strategies in the Mining Industry: One Company …

common are environmental permits and environmental impact assessments. Mining companies typically are required to obtain environmental permits signifying government approval of various aspects of their mine plans, including those for reclamation, waste disposal, sewage treatment, drinking water, and construction of dams and other …

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Promoting sustainable mining in Zimbabwe

The most critical environmental impacts at this mining project phase include: ... Effective community participation will protect project interests, promote democracy, increase accountability of projects, enhance project quality, enhance effectiveness of the EIA process, reduce conflicts associated with mining projects …

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Indigenous peoples' relationships to large-scale mining in …

1. Introduction. Large-scale mining projects inevitably have widespread impacts on local societies and ecologies. Because of their close relationships to the land, water, and resources therein, and their marginalized social and economic positions, Indigenous peoples living in current or former settler colonies are particularly vulnerable …

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Sustainable development in the mining industry: towards …

In spite of its economic outputs, the Canadian mining sector has suffered from several setbacks that have compromised its reputation. This has led many of its stakeholders to adopt a shift towards a new paradigm focused on sustainable development. In this review of the literature, we identify the impact that mining activities have had on …

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Mining companies and communities: Collaborative …

Scholars have recorded various drivers of conflict including procedural fairness (Zhang et al., 2015); the power imbalance that can exist between multi-national …

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Duterte Says Yes to Mining in the Philippines. But at What Cost?

President Rodrigo Duterte's recent decision to overturn a nationwide moratorium on new mining projects, which had been in place since 2012, was lauded by mining and business entities and criticized by environmental and human rights groups. Aside from allowing new mines to open in the country, Executive Order No. 130 (EO …

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Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility in mining industries

The paper aims identify the main topics of CSR in the mining sector using Twitter. •. The results show the CSR debate is increasingly growing in developing countries. •. The debate is mainly centered on the impact of mining industries on the land. •. Many stakeholders advocate for more environmental responsibility.

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Impact of board characteristics on environmental disclosures …

Grant support. 71973054/Innovative Research Group Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (CN) This paper examines the impact of board characteristics on environmental accounting information disclosure for listed mining companies in China. Board characteristics were categorized into board size, independence characteristics ...

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The Impact of Mining sector to the Namibia economy

The sector contracted by 4.7% on average between 2014 and 2016 mainly due to less demand for mining products and low commodity prices for minerals that Namibia has rich endowments of. However, the growth rate for 2018 are positive at …

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Addressing Sustainability in the Mining Industry …

Mining operations can have both favourable and unfavourable sustainability impacts. For example, mining companies bring economic benefits regionally, as they …

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Mining and Climate Change: Risks, responsibilities, and …

According to McKinsey, mining accounts for 4%–7% of global GHG emissions globally, directly, through operations and indirectly, through power generation. In the same vein, the cost of access to capital is also expected to rise, as climate-related risks are coming under scrutiny by shareholders and investors.

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ESG rating and financial risk of mining industry companies

Data from the "China Environmental Statistics Yearbook" shows that in 2020, the amount of general industrial solid waste generated by the mining industry exceeded 2 billion tons, accounting for about 45% of total emissions, illustrative of the pressure it imposes on the ecological environment. Mining companies face substantial risks of ...

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