Six main deposits, namely Horse, Ivaal, Truki, Nena, Koki and Ekwai, have been identified at the Frieda River copper and gold mine. The mine also contains several other unexplored deposits. These deposits are part of the Frieda River Igneous Complex (FRIC) located in the southern part of the New Guinea Thrust B…See more on mining-technology
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Major Mines & Projects | Frieda River Project
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Studies of Miningmachine For Mining Copper Papua New GuineaResearchGatePredictive Analysis of Major Copper and Gold Mining Projects in Papua New GuineaThe article provides some perspectives on the undeveloped Wafi copper-gold project, the option to reopen the troublesome Porgera gold mine and extension of Ok Tedi copper-gold mine. The existing Ok Tedi and the proposed Wafi have been megaprojects thatPublished: 2023/09/01DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8…ScienceDirectMining in Papua New Guinea: A complex story of trends, impacts and governanceMining is often portrayed as a contributor to sustainable development, especially so in developing countries such as Papua New Guinea (PNG). Since 1970, several large mines have been developed in PNG (e.g. Panguna, Ok Tedi, Porgera, Lihir, Ramu)Published: 2020/11/01Cited By: 0Keywords: Sustainabl…ResearchGateOk Tedi copper mine, Papua New Guinea, stimulates algal growth in the Fly RiverFish populations utilised by riparian populations along the Fly River, Papua New Guinea (PNG), downstream of the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine have markedly declined in species richness (between 21 and 90%) and biomass (between 57 and 87%) duringPublished: 2019/06/01DOI: 10.1007/s40899-0…eraresourcesAbout Yandera Project | Era Resources
WEBYandera Project. Link to enlargement. CLICK to view Yandera Mine Presentation. Mineral Resource Statement at $3.35/lb Cu, $10.00/lb Mo, and $1,400.00/oz Au. Yandera …
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