From Nickel to Cobalt, Chinese Mining Interests in Africa …

Chinese companies face hurdles mining metals in Africa with global implications. ... JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — It is a metal found in products used by people worldwide, unthinkingly every day

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Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects …

Some of these damages in sub-Saharan Africa include abandoned pits and shafts in artisanal mining areas in West Africa, dumps from previous mining activities in South Africa, pollution of ground ...

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Mining Law in South Africa | Laws regulating Mining Law

Dale, South African Mineral and Petroleum Law, par 92.2.1. Anglo Operations Ltd v Sandhurst Estates (Pty) Ltd 2007 (2) SA 363 (SCA) at par 16. Section 3 of the MPRDA. Franklin and Kaplan, The Mining and Mineral Laws of South Africa, 79. For example, a right to prospect under the Minerals Act provided that: If the owner of land …

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The impact of gold mining on the Witwatersrand on the …

Gold Fields of South Africa Limited was amalgamated with other smaller companies into the Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa Limited in 1892. Robinson sold his shares in Randfontein Estates Gold Mining Company, worth £250,000, to the Wernher–Beit Company, which was an affiliate of the De Beers group and the …

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.-Docs-SACMA Surface Strip Coal Mining …

.-Docs-SACMA Surface Strip Coal Mining Handbook_rev1 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Open Pit Mining Handbook on Strip Mining

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Top 10 lithium producers in Africa

The Manono-Kitolo mine, a former tin and coltan mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, holds one of the world's largest lithium reserves. The Manono-Kitolo mine in Tanganyika Province, southern Democratic Republic of the Congo, holds 120 million metric tons of lithium ore, grading 0.6%, resulting in 0.72 million metric tons of …

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South Africa: Five Largest Surface and Underground Mines …

Kriel Mine in Mpumalanga, was the largest surface and underground mine in South Africa, producing approximately 11.71 million metric tons per annum (mmtpa) of Run-of-Mine (ROM) in 2021. The Kriel Mine is owned by Seriti Resources Holdings Pty Ltd, and is due to operate until 2035. The second largest surface and underground mine with an estimated …

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Anticipating and planning for mine closure in South Africa

Most of the mine closures in South Africa over the past two to three decades have been in the gold mining industry. Employment in the industry dropped from 550 000 in 1985 to 110 000 in 2018 ( Sesele, 2020 ). Mine closure has had severe implications for gold mining towns like Merafong City, our case study city.

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Progresses in restoration of post-mining landscape in Africa

In South Africa, dredge mining for heavy minerals such as rutile, ilmenite, and zircon in coastal dunes has taken place in Zululand since 1977 (Cooke and Johnson 2002). The heavy minerals are separated from the sand using a floating dredger that pumps the sand in slurry to a gravity separator, thereafter the mined sand is pumped back as …

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(PDF) Mining and the African Environment

Abstract and Figures. Africa is on the verge of a mining boom. We review the environmental threats from African mining development, including habitat alteration, infrastructure expansion, human ...

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Impacts of mining on water resources in South Africa: A …

Accepted 7 October, 2010. Acid min e drainage is recognized as one of the more serious environmental problems in the mining. industry. Acid min e drainage is a major p roblem on co al and gold ...

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Mining industry in South Africa

Total assets of the mining industry in South Africa from 2013 to 2023 (in billion South African rand) Basic Statistic EBITDA of mining in South Africa 2023, by …

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Surface-strip coal mine rehabilitation risk assessment: …

iv ABSTRACT Title: Surface-strip coal mine rehabilitation risk assessment: The development of an integrated rehabilitation risk assessment model for use in South Africa and Australia Student name: Vanessa Derryn Weyer, Centre for Environmental Studies, Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, …

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(PDF) Evaluating Impacts of Coal Mining in South African …

Post-mining rehabilitation, land use and pollution at collieries in South Africa. Presented at the Colloquium: Sustainable Development in the Life of Coal Mining.13 July 2005, Boksburg. Show more

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Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South Africa

Also, many of the large mining companies are present in both countries and Australia provides an international bench-mark for comparison with South Africa. Surface-strip coal mining can disturb landscapes extensively, typically affecting ten times more land than that affected by underground coal mining (Tongway and Ludwig, 2011). …

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Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South …

Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South Africa and Australia: maturity and opportunities for improvement — Monash University. Vanessa D. Weyer, Wayne F. …

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Mining Weekly

No future for conventional mining methods in South Africa – Amplats. 23rd September 2016 Ilan Solomons. IMPROVING SAFETY Mechanisation was intended to remove mineworkers from dangerous work ...

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Anticipating and planning for mine closure in South Africa

Volume 125, January 2021, 102669. Anticipating and planning for mine closure in South Africa. Lochner Marais a., Anri de Lange b. Show more. Add to Mendeley. …

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Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South Africa

The maturity model, was applied to mine rehabilitation guidelines and mine approval consultant rehabilitation reports in South Africa and Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. We found that these documents were vulnerable to adequate, but not yet resilient, i.e. rehabilitation information was gathered, but seldom analysed, with limited ...

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Mining on Indigenous Lands in South Africa

South Africa is one of the world's leading producers of platinum, gold, coal, iron ore, diamonds, and many other minerals. Despite being so abundant in rare and valuable natural resources, South African …

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Lithium mining in South Africa

January 30, 2023. Source: liliyafilakhtova@123rf. Initial deliveries of 1,000 tons of high-grade "run of mine" lithium ore is about to start at Marula Mining's Blesberg Lithium and Tantalum Mine. African focused battery metals mining and development company Marula Mining is exploring several high value mine projects across the continent.

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How the diamond mining industry is destroying South Africa…

A stretch of once beautiful land is being turned into a lunar landscape by destructive mining practices. Just over two years ago, a group of South African surfers, scientists, journalists and activists launched Protect The West Coast, a collective born to confront the destructive practices of the mining industry.

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The dangerous world of illegal mining in South Africa

Some will be arrested for illegal mining. Some will die. BBC Africa Eye meets the migrants who risk everything to go deep underground in South Africa's dangerous disused gold mines to make a living.

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The coal mining life cycle

Some 53% of South Africa's coal is produced from surface mining, via open-cast or open-pit mines. This is because the coal is less than 60 metres below the surface. Open-pit mines use draglines, as well as …

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How a Proposed Strip Mine Brought Conflict to South Africa…

But Sikhosiphi Rhadebe's real love was the magnificent coastal lands of South Africa's Eastern Cape, where he chaired a community organization campaigning to prevent an Australian mining company from strip-mining their sand dunes for titanium, one of the world's most commercially valuable metals. One evening last March, a …

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Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South …

Surface-strip coal mine land rehabilitation planning in South Africa and Australia: Maturity and opportunities for improvement - ScienceDirect. Abstract. …

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Mining Courses in South Africa: Requirements,Schools And …

The cost of mining courses in South Africa varies drastically based on several factors, including the type of program and institution: Type of program: Diploma courses typically range from R20,000 to R50,000 per year. Bachelor's degrees generally cost between R40,000 and R80,000 per year.

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Mining in South Africa | Environmental Defender …

For the past seven years, EDLC has been providing legal, scientific, and financial assistance to communities and their lawyers in South Africa fighting unwanted proposed mining projects and harms from existing …

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The dark face of South Africa's illegal mining | Nation

A man uses a pick axe to dig as others search for what they believe to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. While mining is the foundational building block of the modern South African economy, it has always had a 'dark side'.

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8. China's Mining Footprint in Africa

Other Chinese mining companies active in South Africa include: Sinosteel; East Asia Metals Investment (subsidiary of Sinosteel); Jinquan Iron & Steel (Jisco); MinMetals; Zijin Mining and PMG. 8.1. Country Case Studies China's intentions in Africa on the mineral extraction front, could not have been madeclearer after China announced a US$5 ...

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How the diamond mining industry is destroying South …

Utterly devastated from 100 years of diamond mining with no rehabilitation. If we allow the same mining companies to do what they've done to the Northern Cape …

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Strip mining rehabilitation by translocation in arid coastal

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of top-soiling, irrigation and translocating indigenous plants tofacilitate the cost-effective return of a mined landscape …

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Mine closure, social disruption, and crime in South Africa

Many of South Africa's gold mining areas have experienced decline and closure since the boom period of 1950– 1990, mainly because of resource depletion, increased mining costs and the health and safety risks of deep mining (Crankshaw, 2002). Jobs in gold mining dropped from about 560,000– 100,000 between 1987 and 2020.

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The state of mine closure in South Africa

The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 119 JULY 2019 639 . The state of mine closure in South. Africa – what the numbers say. I. W atson and M. Olalde ...

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How a Proposed Strip Mine Brought Conflict to South …

MRC's South African subsidiary Transworld Energy and Minerals (TEM), with a local partner, the Xolobeni Empowerment Company (Xolco), has applied for mining rights. But, far from embracing this project as a potential economic boon, many of the …

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Chinese Mining Projects in Africa: Is it an Investment?

Below, some helpful guidance on the stages of mining investment and why a pledge may not become a project. (1) Prospecting and Exploration. This involves mapping, surveying, sampling and normally lasts for 3 to 5 years in a given area and costs about $1.75 million per year. (2) Discovery and Advanced Exploration. Channel …

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